Dec 1, 2023, 05:38 PM IST

5 Yoga Asanas for Better Eyesight


Beyond relaxation and flexibility,  yoga offers a plethora of poses that have significant impacts on many body parts. In today's digital age, where screens dominate our daily lives, it can have a bad impact on our eyesight. Incorporating these yoga asanas into your daily routine could be helpful for your eyesight.


Eye Rotations (Netra Vyayam)

This exercise enhances the flexibility and strength of the ocular muscles. Sit comfortably with an elongated spine. Slowly rotate your eyeballs in a clockwise direction, focusing on moving them smoothly without causing strain. Complete ten rotations and then switch to an anti-clockwise direction.  

Blinking Exercise  (Sarvangasana)

Take a comfortable seat or stand straight. For approximately thirty seconds, blink quickly enough that each blink allows your eyes to fully close and open. By moisturising the eyes, this activity lessens dryness and increases hydration.

Focus Shifting (Tratak )

With a candle or other tiny object at eye level, take a comfortable seat. For as long as it is comfortable, keep your eyes fixed on it without blinking. Then, close your eyes and visualise the object mentally. This practice improves concentration and sharpens vision.

Child's Pose (Balasana )

While sitting back on your heels, kneel on the ground. With your arms out in front of you or at your sides, lower your forehead to the ground. By urging the eyes to soften, this position encourages relaxation and decreases strain on the eyes.

Palming Technique (Hasta Mudra )

Start by rubbing your hands together until they get warm, and gently cover your closed eyes with your palms. Allow the heat to enter, calming and unwinding the muscles around your eyes. Inhale deeply and sense the stress release.