Nov 18, 2023, 02:57 PM IST

8 Unsolved Mysteries About Earthquakes 

Vikrant Singh

1. Prediction Challenges 

Despite all scientific advancements, accurately predicting when and where earthquakes will happen remains difficult due to the complex nature of Earth’s crust and other factors influencing seismic activity. 

2. Foreshocks and Aftershocks

The patterns and triggers for foreshocks and aftershocks, or their absence, are not fully understood, presenting a mystery in earthquake dynamics.

3. Slow Earthquakes 

Some earthquakes unfold slowly over weeks or months, and the reasons behind these slow events and their relationship to traditional earthquakes are not fully explained. 

4. Deep Focus Earthquakes 

Earthquakes originating from great depths challenge conventional explanations due to extreme conditions, posing a mystery in understanding their mechanisms.

5. Unexplained Seismic Gaps

 Regions with geological features conducive to earthquakes sometimes show less seismic activity than expected, and the reasons for these seismic gaps are not entirely clear. 

6. Trigger Mechanisms 

The diverse triggers for earthquakes, including human activities, raise questions about how these triggers influence seismic events.  

7. Non-Tectonic Earthquake

Some earthquakes occur in areas with no apparent tectonic activity, and what causes these non-tectonic earthquakes still remains a puzzle. 

8. Anomalously High-Frequency Areas 

Certain regions experience more earthquakes than expected based on geological models, and the factors contributing to their heightened seismicity are subjects of ongoing research.