
Sri Lankan President stopped from fleeing the crisis-hit nation by airport staff

NEW DELHIEdited By: Nikhil PandeyUpdated: Jul 12, 2022, 03:53 PM IST
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Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa. Photograph:(Reuters)

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The president and his wife spent the night at a military camp near to the main international airport after missing four flights that could have taken them to the United Arab Emirates. A similar incident with airport staff caused Rajapaksa's youngest brother, a former finance minister, to miss his own early-morning Tuesday Emirates flight to Dubai.

The embattled president of Sri Lanka was reportedly stranded in his own nation on Tuesday in a humiliating standoff with airport immigration officials who were preventing his escape to safety overseas. Following widespread protests against him over the nation's unparalleled economic crisis, Gotabaya Rajapaksa has pledged to step down on Wednesday and pave the way for a "peaceful transition of power."

The 73-year-old leader wanted to travel to Dubai and left his official mansion in Colombo shortly before tens of thousands of demonstrators occupied it on Saturday, according to officials.

Rajapaksa is said to want to leave the country before resigning in order to avoid the risk of being arrested because he is immune from arrest in his capacity as president. However, immigration officials were refusing to stamp his passport in the VIP suite while he said he would not use the public restrooms out of fear of retaliation from other airport travellers.

After missing four planes that could have brought them to the United Arab Emirates, the president and his wife spent the night at a military base close to the main international airport.

The youngest brother of Rajapaksa and the former finance minister, missed his own early-morning Tuesday Emirates flight to Dubai due to a similar altercation with airport personnel.

Watch: Sri Lanka's economic and political crisis: No consensus over next President's name

When Basil attempted to employ the paid business traveller concierge service, airport and immigration staff informed him that they were discontinuing the fast track service with immediate effect.

An airport representative told AFP that "several other passengers objected to Basil boarding their flight." "He hastily departed the airport because it was a difficult scene."

A diplomatic source said that Basil, a US dual citizen, had to obtain a new passport after leaving his behind at the presidential palace when the Rajapaksas beat a hasty retreat to avoid mobs on Saturday, a diplomatic source said.

According to official reports, Rs 17.85 million in cash and a suitcase packed with documents were also left behind at the regal home. These items are currently in the possession of a Colombo court.

He was still the commander-in-chief of the armed forces and had access to military resources, but the president's administration had not made any official announcement concerning his whereabouts.

According to a defence source, he may still use a navy ship to travel to India or the Maldives.

If Rajapaksa fulfils his vow to resign, Ranil Wickremesinghe, the prime minister, will automatically take over as president until the parliament chooses a member of parliament to complete Rajapaksa's term, which expires in November 2024.

Rajapaksa is charged with mismanaging the economy to the extent that the nation lacks foreign currency to pay for even the most basic imports, causing extreme misery for the 22 million people living there.

Sri Lanka is in discussions with the IMF for a potential rescue after defaulting on its $51 billion in foreign debt in April.

The island's already limited gasoline supplies are almost gone. To cut down on commuting and save gasoline, the government has mandated the shutdown of non-essential offices and schools.


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